In order to improve enforcement and stop illegal construction activities, the department of town and country planning (DTCP) has divided Gurgaon into three zones and assigned two new enforcement officials for three months.
They stated that the two newly created authorities would be in charge of demolition drives and enforcement operations in their respective zones.
The first zone will consist of areas between Sector 1 and Sector 57, the second zone will include Sector 58 to Sector 80, and the third zone will cover Sector 81 to Sector 115. The DTCP director general, TL Satyaprakash, issued an order in this regard.

The enforcement division of the DTCP stops breaches at change of land use (CLU) sites and private licenced colonies throughout the district’s metropolitan districts.
Senior DTCP officials claimed that the only way to handle the department’s growing workload, which has been enormously exacerbated by the continual growth of the residential and commercial sectors over the past ten years, is to hire more supervisory staff.
Two additional enforcement employees would be hired, according to Chandigarh district town planner RS Bhath, to streamline the enforcement process. Currently, the enforcement team covers a very substantial region, hence we have divided the Gurugram sector into three zones.
According to Satyaprakash’s directive, district town planner (enforcement) Manish Yadav will continue to oversee licenced colonies and CLU sites. However, the responsibility for enforcement action against violations, illegal colonisation, and other similar issues will be distributed among officials according to their respective sectors.
The agricultural zone of the Gurgaon-Manesar urban complex (southern side) and regions covered by the Sohna and Gwal Pahari master plans have been assigned to Binesh Kumar, district town planner (Mewat), together with Sectors 58 to 80.
Source: ET